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Thịt Cừu Nướng Xiên Que Colonel (Chín) 312 g

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Thương hiệu:Colonel Kababz
Chất gây dị ứng:
Sữa,Lúa mì,Đậu nành

Mô tả

An outstanding melange of Lamb mince, garlic paste, ginger paste, black pepper, and salt cooked on a barbecue or tandoor makes a palatable Non Vegetarian Snack that goes best with mint and coriander chutney. It makes a very famous BBQ serving snack. Colonel Kababz Lamb Seekh Kababs are melt-in-the mouth Kebabs that capture the soul with its fine flavors and juicy texture. This makes a comparatively healthy snack option as it is not deep fried and paired with lots of salad and bread. Order now!