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Pampanga Lucban Pork Longanisa

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Bán được 50+ mỗi tuần
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Thương hiệu:Pampanga
Chất gây dị ứng:
Có thể bao gồmCá,Lúa mì,Đậu nành

Mô tả

Pampanga Vigan Longaniza

Lucban Quezon Longganisa is a very in-demand garlicky sausage that came from the town of Lucban in Quezon Province. You could see locals making it and displayed in many parts of the town when you visit Lucban, Quezon. These sausage is so delicious because of the herbs and spices. Make your own today.

Lucban Quezon Longganisa is popular for its aromatic and garlic smell. It is made from ground pork mixed with herbs and lots of garlic. These longganisa is best paired with Sinangag rice and fried egg with a vinegar dipping sauce for added taste. This combo meal is popularly known as Long-Si-Log or Lucban-Si-Log