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Sempio Spicy Seafood Stew Sauce

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Chất gây dị ứng:
Lúa mì,Đậu nành

Mô tả

Brand: Sempio
Country of Manufacture: Korea
Capacity & quantity: 140g

It's a sauce that can boil 3 to 4 servings of spicy fish stew.
It tastes spicy by adding spicy red pepper powder to the soup made with various seafood and vegetables.
There is a pouring line on the back of the package for easy cooking.

How to cook 1. Boil 900ml of water, seasoning of stew, and radish in a pot.
2. Add well-prepared fish and boil for 20 minutes.
3. Add green onion, bean sprouts, and green pepper and boil for 5 minutes to finish.