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适用于卧室大房间的加湿器,超声波冷雾加湿器,2L 顶部填充加湿器,带精油扩散器黑色


2小时360°高效喷嘴,100%空气清洁:具有紫外线消毒功能和超声波产生超细洁净的雾气。 首创第一台集净化加湿于一体的高效清洁加湿器。 MILIN 顶部填充加湿器采用最新的微电解技术,将水 (H2O) 转化为 -OH、[O]、H+、OH- 和其他高氧化性清洁离子。
2L大容量,更有效:短短20分钟内将湿度提高25%,出雾强劲且稳定,比其他加湿器更快。 高、中、低 - 3 种雾度可以满足您所有的湿度需求。 300ml/h的高雾模式可以帮助您快速达到您想要的湿度。 雾气细腻,小于5微米的水雾不会凝结成水滴,永远不会弄湿您的地板和心爱的家具。
一键操作,智能清洁:卧室加湿器配备净化模式,高雾净化1小时,中雾净化30分钟,低雾净化30分钟。 MILIN超声波加湿器完成后会自动进入中雾模式。 这些微小物质被还原成中性水分子,对您的皮肤和身体温和。 只需按下出雾按钮即可调节出雾速度,此时相应指示灯亮起。
三合一健康卫士、加湿器和扩香器:MILIN 冷雾加湿器配有精油扩香器,让您的房间充满您最喜爱的香味和清凉的雾气。 2L水箱的大容量保证了20H超长运行时间,比其他加湿器更长。 它可以满足您3晚的良好睡眠,帮助您过上更好的生活。 您可以通过大的顶部开口和盖子轻松加水。 最大水位线指示您加水。
自动关闭保护和低噪音睡眠:MILIN 加湿器配备超声波技术,可享受令人难以置信的安静,最低噪音水平为 26 分贝。 冷雾加湿器可让卧室保持安静,非常适合安宁的睡眠,因为睡眠模式会关闭所有指示灯并以低雾度运行。 当水箱缺水时,它会停止工作,低水位指示灯会亮起以进行提醒。 这有助于防止物品损坏,即使在睡觉时也能保证您的安全。


Why Choose MILIN Humidifier? And How Does The Purifying Humidifier Work?

Over 99.9% of baleful substances in the room can be removed in 2 hours, with an innovative micro-electrolysis cleaning technology.

1. Tap water flows from the water tank into the water path, then the humidifier electrolyzes water into -OH, [O], H +, OH-, and other strong oxidizing cleaning ions.

2. They oxidize and decompose the DNA/RNA of baleful substances and pathogens in the air, inhibit their growth and reproduction, and then are wiped out.

3. It will reduce to water molecules without any chemical residues and a pungent smell after cleaning.

4. Differing from original cleaning methods, it's 100% safe harmless, and gentle for skin and body.

Note: Milin Humidifier - Only water should be put in the tank of the humidifier. And please don't add any sanitizer to the water.

Effective Humidification and Purifying

According to the report, 80% of baleful substances are removed in 1 hour, and cleaning is finished in 2 hours when the cleaning mode is set in a space of 322.92ft²/ 30㎡.

Friendly for Kids and Pets

The humidifier guards your kids against harmful substances and allows all your family members to breathe pure air and live happily.

Healthier and Ozone Free

Different from traditional sanitizer and light cleaning, this humidifier is reduced to neutral water molecules after cleaning. There is no residue of chemical substances and harmless to people.

Jericho, New York