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UYEKI Daniclin Dust Mite Repellent and Pollen Countermeasures Cleaning Spray

ブランド:Fan Sao Guang




Country of origin : Japan
Contents : 250mL
Product Size : 90 x 50 x 205mm (W x D x H)

Double effect of keeping mites away and suppressing the action of house dust (dead mites, feces, and cedar pollen)
Recommended by the Atopy Association of Japan.

Inactivates mites and their feces and dead bodies
Point 1 Just spray on your futon or carpet. This product is effective in preventing mites from being attracted to the surface where they feed. For sheets and other items that need to be washed, the effect lasts about 2-3 times, and for tatami mattresses and carpets, the effect lasts about 1 month (according to our tests).
Point 2: It envelops house dust and suppresses its action.
Point 3: To ensure that the product can be used safely on bedding, it is made with ingredients that are safe to use even if the sprayed area is touched by the mouth.
A patch test has been conducted under the supervision of a doctor.
This does not mean that all people will not have skin problems.
Point 4: Contains sugarcane extract as a deodorant ingredient. This product has a deodorizing effect on bothersome odors.
Point 5: Can be used to sterilize bedding, tatami, and carpets. Uses ingredients that are gentle to the skin.

Not all odors and bacteria can be eliminated.

How to use
Shake the container lightly, lift up the lid, and spray about 30cm away.
Spray about 5 to 6 times per square meter.

For bedding: Remove sheets and covers, remove dust and debris, spray, and hang to dry in the shade.
Wash sheets and covers before spraying and drying in the shade.
Carpets and tatami: Vacuum to remove dust and debris, then spray and let dry naturally.
It takes time for carpets and tatami to dry. It takes time for carpets and tatami to dry.
If you are using a carpet or tatami mat, it may take some time for it to dry.

In order to use the product effectively
To prevent mites, it is important to keep your home clean.
It is important to keep your home clean to prevent dust mites.
While using Daniclin, please make sure to clean and wash your house frequently to remove mite food, dead mites and feces.

Cautions for use
Do not use for other purposes.
Wipe off any residue if it gets on something other than the intended use.
If this product gets on your skin, wash it off.
If you are concerned about the effect on your skin or are sensitive to the smell, spray on something like a hand towel and test before use.
Stop using the product if it does not agree with your skin or if the smell bothers you.
For items that fade (new tatami, cloth, etc.), items that shrink easily (silk, rayon, etc.), or items that cannot be washed, test on an inconspicuous area before use.
Ventilate when spraying, and be careful not to inhale or get it in your eyes.
Do not spray a large amount on the same area, as it may cause staining.
After spraying on tatami mats or carpets, the product may stick to feet or slippers, making the flooring sticky, so be careful not to walk on it or fondle it while it is still dry.
Store out of reach of children and out of direct sunlight.
Do not store in a freezing or high temperature environment.


原産国 : 日本
内容量 : 250mL
商品サイズ : 90×50×205mm(幅X奥行X高さ)




Point 1 いまお使いの布団やカーペットにスプレーするだけ。 エサのある表のほうにダニをよせつけにくい効果を発揮します。シーツなどお洗濯するものは、お洗濯2~3回程度、タタミやカーペットなら 約1ヶ月効果が持続(当社テストによる)。
Point 2 ハウスダストを包み込み働きを抑制します。
Point 3 寝具にも安心してお使いいただけるように、肌への刺激が少なく、スプレーしたところに口が触れても大丈夫な成分を採用しています。
Point 4 消臭成分にサトウキビ抽出エキスを配合。気になるニオイに消臭効果を発揮します。 
Point 5 寝具やタタミ、カーペットに除菌ができます。肌におだやかな成分を使用しました。






  • 用途以外に使用しない。
  • 用途以外のものに本剤がかかった場合は拭きとる。
  • 肌に本剤がかかった場合は洗い流す。 
  • 肌への影響が心配な方や匂いに敏感な方は、ハンドタオルのようなものにスプレーして試してから使う。
  • 肌に合わない場合や匂いが気になるときは使用を止める。
  • 色落ちするもの(新しいタタミや布製のもの等)、縮みやすいもの(絹・レーヨン等)、洗えないものは、あらかじめ目立たない場所で試してから使用する。 
  • スプレーするときは換気し、吸い込んだり、目に入らないように注意する。
  • シミになる場合があるため、同じ場所に大量にスプレーしない。
  • タタミやカーペットにスプレー後、本剤が足やスリッパに付着してフローリング等がベタつく場合があるため、乾いていない間は、歩いたり、ふんだりしないように注意する。
  • 子供の手の届かない、直射日光を避けた場所に保管する。
  • 凍結したり高温になる場所には保管しない。