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Weee! - Groceries Delivered
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Vadilal Karela Frozen

신선도 보장
상세 설명
알레르기 유발성분:
교차반응 우려성분 우유,견과류,땅콩,밀(글루텐),콩,참깨.


When they say Bitter Gourd’s Bitterness is what you need on a daily basis to maintain good health, trust them. Also, do not mistake the bitter nature of Karela with its capacity of turning out to be one of the tastiest vegetables. Made in the right way, Karela can win buds anyday. Loaded with many nutritions, Bitter Gourd has tons of health benefits like it helps in reducing blood sagar, has cancer-fighting properties, helps in weight loss, boon for the cholesterol profile, boon for kidney health, and so on. Deep Frozen Karela are freshly picked and packed from farms without any added preservatives!