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Dried Beni Haruka Sweet Potato Slices

Naturally sweet and chewy dried sweet potato slices from Japan! 干し芋 紅はるちゃん


Prefecture: Shizuoka 
Producer: Tea Life
Ingredients: Sweet potatoes (domestic)
Vegan, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Soy-free
Size: 100g 
Storage: Room temperature.

Beni haruka is a relatively new sweet potato in Japan, having been first grown in Kagoshima Prefecture in the late 2000s. However, it is already gaining nation-wide popularity. Aside from its visually pleasing red-purple peel and bright orange flesh, beni haruka has a natural sweetness and chewy texture, which comes from storing the potatoes for a short while after harvesting. Made using 100% domestically grown beni haruka sweet potatoes, these slices are dried in a dehydrator for about half a day to achieve the perfect chewiness and moisture. 


Since its founding in 1983 Tea Life has been committed to putting customers first and prioritizing high ethical standards to support a healthy lifestyle. The company offers a wide variety of unique goods including health foods, teas and beauty products, and takes pride in providing “wellness and life support” to customers.


Suggested uses: This naturally sweet snack is great as is or heated in a toaster oven. Simply toast until the slices begin to turn a bit white and then it is ready to eat. Alternatively, heat them in the microwave for ~20 secs (500W). It also makes a great topping for ice cream and soups.