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상세 설명

원산지:미국단위량:1 다발


Celery is rich in protein, carotene, carbohydrates, fat, B vitamins, vitamin C, carbohydrates, amino acids and minerals, and dietary fiber, among which phosphorus and calcium are high.

Storage conditions:

In a dry place at room temperature, it is recommended to refrigerate.

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried Shrimp with Celery and Lily

Ingredients: 1 celery, 2 lily balls, about 100 grams of shrimp, 1-2 red peppers (optional), rice wine, salt


1. Grab the shrimp with a little rice wine and salt, and marinate for a while

2. Scrape off the old skin of celery, remove the root, and cut into oblique sections. Cut red pepper into equal size pieces

3. Boil the water, add a little salt and a little salad oil, put in the celery and blanch for 8 minutes (about one minute)

4. Heat the oil for seven minutes, add the shrimp and slide them until they change color

5. Take another wok, add oil, fry the red pepper flakes until the surface is slightly bubbly

6. Stir fry the celery until cooked. (about 30 seconds)

7. Add in shrimp and stir fry lily, a teaspoon of sugar, an appropriate amount of salt, stir well, and thicken with thin water starch. This step should be done quickly, just a few seconds, and the lily will change color when it is fried for a long time.


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